Home / Anthem launches new plans 09/27

Anthem launches new plans 09/27

Great News!

New Colorado Individual Products Available on 9/27

As a leading carrier in the Colorado market we offer a broad range of products that give your clients more choice when it comes to coverage and cost. To ensure we continue to offer a strong suite of products, we’ve updated our current portfolio to include mandated benefits and introduced new products that extend our product offering.

Current products: now health care reform-compliant

We’re pleased to inform you that the following plans now include all the mandated benefits and you can begin selling them immediately!

Lumenos® HSA Plus
SmartSense® Plus
CoreShareSM Plus
Click here to view helpful plan comparisons of our old and new products.

New Products: more choice

In addition to our plans above, we’re pleased to announce two new products to market in Colorado:.

Introducing ClearProtection: A valuable combination of affordability with first dollar benefits.

ClearProtection offers low-cost coverage for inpatient, pharmacy and outpatient- including immediate coverage for two office visits.
Available for sale on September 27 with first effective dates of September 28, 2010.
For more information, see the ClearProtection flyer.
Introducing Premier: A package of Strong benefits with low member cost-share.

Premier offers a robust plan design with benefits for both routine and unexpected health care expenses.
Available for sale on September 27 with first effective dates of October 1, 2010.
For more information, see the Premier flyer.
Look for more information on ClearProtection and Premier in the mail during the second week of October.

Getting Started

Here’s the information you need to help you start selling immediately.

Paper applications will be accepted immediately through our normal application process. Please click here for the new application.
Rate Sheets for Area 1, Area 2, Area 3 and Area 4 are attached. Rating areas have not changed.
Materials will be available to order and view on Merrill Connect beginning September 27, 2010
We plan to have products available on our online quoting tools beginning October 8, 2010.
Look for webinar invitations and information on RSM seminars coming soon.

We’re here to help you

At Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, we’re committed to helping you succeed. We know you are a huge part of our strength and success and we value your trust and partnership.

Please contact Eric Smith @ Mountain Insurance Brokers for any questions or quotes. (720) 974-1703, eric@mountaininsurance.com

Mountain Insurance

The right coverage at the best price. Colorado's trusted insurance advisers since 1997

About Us

We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality in business and personal insurance products and services at the most competitive prices in Denver, CO.

3705 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
303 420-4774