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Start Planning Your Next Commercial Insurance Renewal


If you own or manage a business and have an insurance renewal coming up, you most likely are not preparing for it, but you should. Now is the time to connect with your broker to start the planning process. Here are a few tips to help you get the process moving. Or call us, and we can manage the entire process.

  1. Starting early gets you at the front of the line when it comes to underwriter’s time. This can help save you money.
  2. It is important to determine if there are changes in your operations and may cause a need for different kinds of insurance.
  3. Review your policy exclusions, do you want to make changes?
  4. Develop a clear structure of what kinds of coverage you need. You may need cyber liability, employment practices, and directors and officer’s coverage. For example, some insurers are open to considering more favorable terms and conditions. And in some cases, insurers are offering multi-year coverage — for which you can lock in favorable rates to protect your business for the next several years.

Suggested Renewal Timeline

90 days from renewal. Meet with a broker and set goals and objectives. Have broker build specifications.

60 days from renewal. Send out specifications to selected underwriters.

45 days from renewal. Review underwriters and start to cut list to top considerations.

20-30 days from renewal. The client and broker meet to review options and determine the final program, coverage selected, and pricing.

5-10 days from renewal. Final paperwork prepared, signed, and invoiced.

5 days from renewal. Binder documents and certificates delivered.

10 days after renewal. Policies delivered.

Give us a call today, and we will get to work for you!

Mountain Insurance

The right coverage at the best price. Colorado's trusted insurance advisers since 1997

About Us

We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality in business and personal insurance products and services at the most competitive prices in Denver, CO.

3705 Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
303 420-4774